Monday, 14 January 2013

A Month from my 25th Birthday

I was never fond of the idea of blogging because I never felt comfortable enough to share so much of myself with well...perfect strangers. But more and more, I've had this feeling of wanting to let the world know all about me, well maybe not all but share some things, get some thoughts from other people that I don't really feel like posting on my facebook status. In any case, I'm the first person to point out when I feel someone is over sharing on facebook and I always feel like commenting that facebook is not the place to spill your guts out & show the world what a mess you are so they should rather go and speak to someone about it...anyway, facebook is not what I'm here for today.

In a exactly a month from now, I will be turning 25 years old. Twenty-five sounds like an important year to me for some reason where I should have milestones that I should have reached by now. So, in an attempt to not miss out on turning 25 and having felt like I achieved some interesting things before this important age, I'm doing a last minute list of things to do before I turn 25. Granted, I already feel like I'm going to cheat because I might just name things I already know are going to happen but at the same time I think it's not entirely cheating because they were things I had in my head as things I would have liked to achieve before my 25th birthday.

First of all, I should mention how, the reality of the things that are actually happening or can happen by the time I'm 25 are so far removed from the things I thought would have happened when I was 18 years old. Back then I had ideas of being married by 24, having kids by 27. This is so far removed from my reality, although when I think about it, I'm not sure when it was that I let go of those ideas! However, I won't dwell on that today.
What I'm here for, is a list! A list, because of the time constraints, I think I should keep minimal but effective. These things I hope to achieve before my 25th birthday, and if not, I guess they will get shifted down to another list that I will probably also draft days before my 30th birthday "Things to do before I'm 30 years old" or something to that effect.

I'm gonna go with 5 things, since 5 is a multiple of 25 you know. Or should I thrust myself into the deep end and go for 25? Doesn't hurt to try!!

Here goes:

1. Get my drivers licence
2. Finish my Masters thesis <-- I see the light :)

I should mention that at this point I'm already stuck, like I said, I already have upcoming things but they are noteworthy things so they get to go on the list. But I must warn that from here, things might get ridiculous.

3. Watch 'Finding Nemo' (yes I've never watched it before)
4. Drive home (Pietermaritzburg) from Durban by myself
5. Go a full day without social networks (twitter + facebook)
6. Wake up at 7am everyday (small steps ok?) <--- I'm failing dismally at this! Let me try it for one week instead of everyday!
7. Don't chew gum for a month (starting today)
8. Don't drink fizzy drinks for a month  week (this might seem trivial but I drink them like I should be drinking water)
9. Dye my hair Plum Red (I figure after 25 I won't be able to get away with this)
10. Make my first vision board
11. Watch a national soccer game at a stadium
12. Go to church EVERY Sunday
13. Get 400 followers on Twitter *sigh* This might mean I have to participate in Follow Friday :( <--- 3 followers away from this, maybe I should aim higher, 420?
14. Reply to Ayanda's handwritten letter with a handwritten letter hahahaha!
15. Stop being so stubborn
16. Take the train in Durban
17. Do a full medical exam
18. Drink 8 glasses of water everyday for a month 3 weeks
19. Go to the movies at the Workshop Ok, I'm kidding.
19. Start a blog Done!!
20. Delete people I do not actually know from my facebook (I've already started, down from 1086 friends to 792  789)
21. Phone someone I haven't spoken to over the phone in over a year
22. Buy a stranger lunch
23. Learn how to change a car tyre on my own
24. Learn how to programme with R <-- Started learning this week
25. Drive to Joburg

Gee, that took longer than I thought but at least I made it to 25 things! Now for the execution...I should really go to sleep if I have any hopes of waking up at 7am!!!

Updated 18/01