Monday, 11 February 2013

Dear Human

To me, the best thing about being human has to be that at any moment, we can be born again. We make mistakes in life, disappoint people who love us, feel lost and alone and lose faith in everything we believe in but out of all that hurt somehow there comes a moment when you can start over. The thing I love most about the rain, especially when it's been raining for days and everything looks dulls, is the moment it stops raining and that first ray of sunlight comes shining through. I wish there was a picture I could put to show but I think we've all seen it and maybe, some of us just didn't take the time to take it in and appreciate it. At that moment everything looks fresh and new, like a new beginning, pretty much like it was born again. 
As human beings, I truly believe we get opportunities to be born again. After you have messed up, and things have gone horribly wrong, you always have a chance to start over SOMEHOW.  It might not always be in the same space you were in or exactly the same way you had imagined or wanted it to be but it's important to realize that change isn't always a bad thing, it's just an opportunity for each one of us live and learn and grow, and continue to love.

My friend sent me this this morning, I thought it was perfect for how I'm feeling right now. Which is, I have renewed faith in that, well I'm not getting things horribly wrong, I'm flawed and fabulous and that's ok. And even though sometimes I forget, it's always a great feeling when I remember again :-)