Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I want more joy in my life

I came across a quote today, that said "I want more joy in my life" and I had a moment where I thought yes, that's what I want as well but when I really started to think about it, I didn't really know where more joy would come from. I started to think what would I really want, if I lived in a perfect world. The people in my life I speak to often know I'm always saying this "In a perfect world..." whenever I'm about to say something that would probably never happen, not that it couldn't happen but I've already decided that it won't so it gets to go in my "in a perfect world..." list. 
Anyway, I'm not having such a great day today so it could be impacting on why I can't think of ways to get more joy in my life. I won't go into the boring details on why I'm having a less than perfect day, my friend has already received a lengthy  email of why in my opinion my day has been terrible. She responded by saying she would read my email tomorrow, I'm guessing it she took a look at the length of it and probably the subject line that says "Therapy" didn't appetize her. Anyway, I told her maybe tomorrow I might have slit my wrists but whatever...(no, I won't slit my wrists but what are friends for if not for emotional blackmail?)

The reason I thought I should blog about this was because I wanted to know, from other people, if they knew exactly would make their lives perfect because I don't think I know. I know little things that would make me momentarily happy, like a funny joke or someone telling me I look pretty today but I have no idea of the things that could bring more permanent joy in my life. Even as I type this, I keep thinking about it and I just hit a wall. I'm also a little concerned that I don't know the answer to this, is it even ok that I don't know or does it mean I have some deep issues that would require actual therapy and not just sending an email to a friend I think knows me better than anyone. 
Strangely enough the more I realise I don't have an answer, the more this image of me just having a Eat, Pray, Love moment that would require me to go and find myself in a foreign country keeps popping up in my head. And I'm thinking, maybe the fact that I don't know means I'm not living my life to the fullest like all those self-help books say (FYI, I've never read any but I imagine that's what they say) because  that's always the cure to everything!...Or maybe, just maybe, I had a bad day and I need a hug. 
Anyway, sleep cures everything (most things). I'll go to sleep and forget I was sad and I will dream dreams that I will also forget by morning. And even though I might remember tomorrow what made me sad today, it won't seem nearly as important as it does right now and that will make all the difference. And maybe tomorrow, I'll be able to answer where and how I can get more joy in my life because I know I definitely want it. 

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